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Welcome to Year 6


Year 6 is a crucial stage in a child's educational journey. At the end of the year, they have their first significant set of exams, sitting National Tests in reading, writing, spelling and grammar and Maths. They are given every support to achieve their full potential. Progress and attainment at St. John's is outstanding.   

 Mr W. Warwick
Acting Head of Year 6 

Year 6, however, is much more than just working towards SATs. At St John's, we have support networks in place to allow each child to feel safe and secure whilst aiming and reaching for the best they can be. Pupils are fully involved in some of the decision-making processes of the school through the School Council, Learning Council, and Church Council. There are also numerous after-school activities available for them to join, ranging from the usual school sports and music clubs to hoola hoop Club and much more.

Extra Curriculum

In Year 6 there is a variety of curriculum enrichment activities to help further enhance their learning. For example, we have guest speakers, enrichment days, along with additional educational interventions.

Year 6 is a great adventure and we are very confident that your child will thoroughly enjoy their time with us, reaching their targets and goals before moving to Year7.

Year 6 Class Teachers
Acting Head of Year - Mr W. Warwick
Room 7  Mr. W. Warwick
Room 8 Miss K. Devey
Room 9 Mrs C. Stables
Room 10 Miss R. Sedgwick
Room 11 Mr N. Edwards