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Welcome to Year 8

Our focus in Year 8 is preparing our pupils fully for the transition to High School, whilst also celebrating their four years with us here at St. John's.

This year we choose particular pupils for highly responsible roles such as Prefects, House Captains, Young Leaders and Mentors. Year 8s provide positive role models for our younger pupils, demonstrating their dedication to our school ethos by showing Faith, Love, Integrity and Perseverance. 

Mrs J. Davenport
Acting Head of Year 8

Our pupils have numerous opportunities to represent the school but in addition to the usual sporting and arts activities, this year they can also try their hand as legal eagles, participating in a Mock Trial competition at Worcester Magistrates and Crown Courts, a fantastic experience not to be missed by anyone contemplating a future career in law.

Working closely with the high schools, our team always ensures that pupils are sufficiently confident for the move to year 9 and regular visits from their new Heads of Year, as well as various dual projects and visits to the high schools, help to ease the transition for everyone.

Whilst Year 8 is essentially the final countdown, it is also a time of great celebration. In the summer term we plan an event to commemorate their time with us, encouraging our pupils to look back fondly on their years at Middle School and reflect upon what they've learnt, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Year 8 is all about giving of your best. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do every year!

Year 8 Class Teachers
Acting Head of Year - Mrs J. Davenport
Room 18 Miss K. North
Room 19 Mrs J. Davenport
Room 20 Mr M. Cowdery
Room 21 Miss M. Mosseri
Lab 1 Mr M. Field