Healthy Snacks
We want to ensure that pupils have the best fuel inside their bodies to help them learn.
As we know from research undertaken by the School Food Trust, eating healthily can positively affect children’s behaviour in the classroom. As a school, it is part of our responsibility to help children learn how to eat healthily. We want to ensure that what the children eat at break times in particular is categorised as a healthy snack.
Children need healthy snacks to help them grow and stay healthy. Snacking isn’t bad for children, but what they snack on is important. If you give your child healthy snacks now, he or she will learn to make healthy food choices in the future.
Whilst we know that the majority of our parents already only provide healthy snacks for their children, it has been brought to our attention that a number of our pupils are attending local shops before school and using their pocket or lunch money to purchase unhealthy and sugary food and snacks. We have sadly seen pupils arriving to school with fizzy drinks and very large packets of sweets and crisps. If children do have an unhealthy snack, it will be kept safe for them and they can collect it from the relevant teacher at the end of the day. It will also be logged on Epraise so that parents can monitor it.
Our current focus is on the snacks the pupils are eating at break time and in the future, we may look at introducing a lunch box policy if this is something we deem necessary. If your child has a diagnosed medical condition that affects their eating, then please inform their class teacher. We would also like to remind you that children should have water in their water bottles in the classroom. Pupils are able to have a carton of juice in their lunchbox to have at lunchtime if you wish.