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Physical Social Health Economic (PSHE) and Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)

Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education forms part of our broad, balanced curriculum, and meets the needs of all of our pupils. Our key intent for PSHE is to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of the pupils at this school and within their society. We aim to prepare pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life, while giving them the skills, personal attributes and knowledge that they require to lead safe, healthy lives.

Pupil’s successes in PSHE are highlighted through certificates, praise postcards and other key responsibilities they are given within school. To enhance the curriculum we have many opportunities including visiting speakers, an annual Mock Trial Competition and the school support various charities within the community.

At St John's PSHE is an integral part of the Spiritual and Social Education (SSE) Department.

As children grow up in an increasingly complex world, influenced by social media, the media, peers and families, the need for high quality, supportive, accurate, unbiased and factual information to guide children through their journey to adulthood is essential. Parents' and carers' role is paramount in this, but school also plays an important part in helping children understand these complexities.

What is distinctive about PSHE at St John's Middle School?

  • The curriculum content is specially designed for our students
  • PSHE has a designated place on the weekly timetable
  • All lessons focus on discussion and sharing of views
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing is a priority
  • Students have ownership of topical based lessons throughout the year
  • National events such as Safer Internet Day and Children’s Mental Health Week are celebrated throughout the school
  • KS3 students have taken part in Youth Parliament ‘Make Your Mark’
  • Cross-curricular links are made to all other subject areas

There have been a number of changes proposed by Government which aim to support schools and parents in this important area. Below are some common questions and answers which schools are often asked. As ever, if you have any questions not answered or any concerns, talk with your child's teacher who will be able to help.

What is PSHE?

Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is the school subject through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. PSHE education develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.

Is PSHE compulsory?

PSHE education is compulsory in independent schools, and the majority of the subject is now compulsory in all schools (including maintained, academies and free schools) since September 2020.

Relationships Education is now compulsory at key stages 1 and 2; Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is compulsory in key stages 3 and 4, and Health Education at from key stage 1 to 4. Statutory guidance outlines what schools must cover, but not all that should cover as part of broader PSHE provision that also includes economic wellbeing and careers education. PSHE education was already a requirement in independent schools.

The Department for Education (DfE) considers PSHE education ‘an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education and says that the ‘All schools should teach PSHE’. Section 2.5 of the national curriculum also states that all state schools ‘should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), drawing on good practice'.

How does PSHE education help schools to meet their statutory duties?

Under section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and the Academies Act 2010, schools must provide a ‘balanced and broadly-based curriculum’ which promotes ‘the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life’. PSHE education makes a major contribution to schools fulfilling this duty.

Schools also have duties in relation to promoting pupil wellbeing and pupil safeguarding (Children Act 2004) and community cohesion (Education Act 2006).

Statutory guidance on Keeping Children Safe in Education states that ‘Governing bodies and proprietors should ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety. Schools should consider this as part of providing a broad and balanced curriculum’. PSHE education may therefore cover safeguarding issues such as child sexual exploitation and other forms of abuse, sharing of sexual images, the impact of online pornography on pupils, the dangers of extremism and radicalisation, forced marriage, honour-based violence and female genital mutilation.

The Equality Act 2010 places duties on schools to both address prejudice-based bullying and to help prevent it from happening, and in doing so to keep protected characteristic groups safe. PSHE education, with its focus on identity and equality, can help schools to fulfil this duty.

How has the scheme of work for PSHE and RSE been developed?

We use a recommended scheme of work devised from the PSHE Association Guidance for Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) This will be published on our website. We update our policies and send staff on revised training, subject leader days and briefings on the changes as needed. Resources used have also received PSHE Association accreditation.

How is PSHE assessed?

Children and young people need regular opportunities to reflect on and identify what they have learned and what they need to learn next. Teachers also need to gauge pupils’ progress and make informed improvements to their learning if required.

PSHE education cannot however be assessed in the same way as most other subjects. It would be inappropriate for assessment in PSHE education to imply passing or failing for instance, as this might imply passing or failing ‘as a person’, given the subject’s personal nature. It is however, possible to recognise and evidence progress and attainment in PSHE education knowledge, understanding, skills and attributes.

All of our Pupils carry out an initial assessment using a ‘Landscape of the Mind’ Questionnaire. This gauges pupils’ starting point in terms of their personal attributes and attitudes, and informs teachers’ planning. An end assessment then demonstrates the progress pupils have made since the baseline activity. Ongoing assessments are also used within lessons and units of work to ensure that children acquire new knowledge.

What is RSE?

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) is part of a lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. At St John’s, RSE is centred on personal safety, caring for others and building strong relationships. This is coupled with teaching students about the human body and its changes during puberty, including information about reproduction, control of fertility and sexual health, sexuality and sexual relationships. 

Effective relationship and sex education is essential if young people are to make responsible and well informed decisions about their lives. We aim to inform pupils, presenting relevant facts in an objective and balanced manner. St John’s C of E Middle Academy will help young people learn to respect themselves and others, enabling them to move with confidence through childhood and the beginning stages of adolescence, empowering them with the knowledge and confidence to prepare them for their journey to adulthood. 

RSE Policy (Including PSHE)

St John’s C of E Middle School have worked in partnership with the other schools in the local area to produce a policy to support our implementation of the Department of Education's new statutory guidance on Relationships & Sex Education (RSE).

You can find a copy of this policy on our policies page or request a copy from the school office.

KS2 RSE Consultation Letters Summer 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians

As a part of your child’s education at St John’s C of E Middle School, we promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive Personal, Social, Citizenship, Health and Economic (PSHE) education programme.

PSHE education is the curriculum subject that gives children the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live safe, healthy, productive lives and meet their full potential.

I am writing to let you know that, after Easter, your child will be taking part in lessons which will focus on the relationships and sex education (RSE) aspect of this programme.

In Year 5 this will include children learning about:

  • Summer 1- Healthy relationships including peer pressure; growing and changing, puberty; Personal hygiene; changing feelings; keeping safe and the importance of balance in their lifestyle.
  • Summer 2- substances including substance mis-use, peer pressure, alcohol and drug awareness and staying safe in the sun.

In Year 6 this will include children learning about:

  • Summer 1- Media literacy including targeted advertisements, fake news and risk taking as well as re-capping upon online dangers
  • Summer 2- Further work on friendships and staying safe in relationships including identifying healthy and unhealthy relationships, changes in our routine and environment (‘Moving into year 7’) and becoming more independent

PSHE education is taught throughout the school in every year group and is monitored and reviewed regularly by the staff and Governing Body. All PSHE teaching takes place in a safe learning environment and is underpinned by our school ethos and values. A professional and factual approach is taken by all trained staff members when teaching these topics and children have a chance to ask their questions in a safe environment by using the ‘Ask-it-basket’ anonymously.

If you would like to view the resources we use in school, they are all available on our website. There are also details on how and why we teach RSE and PSHE as well as series of frequently asked questions.

Once you have read the policy and details on the website, if there is something that you wish to discuss further, please contact me.

Kind regards

Miss A Kelly – Head of PSHE

KS3 RSE Consultation Letter Summer 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians

As a part of your child’s education at St John’s C of E Middle School, we promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive Personal, Social, Citizenship, Health and Economic (PSHE) education programme.

PSHE education is the curriculum subject that gives children the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live safe, healthy, productive lives and meet their full potential.

I am writing to let you know that, after Easter, your child will be taking part in lessons, which will focus on the relationships and sex education (RSE) aspect of this programme. In 2020, it became statutory for all schools to deliver RSE awareness and lesson within school to allow for a holistic and well-rounded approach to a child’s personal development and understanding of the world.

In Year 7 this will include children learning about:

  • Summer 1- Relationships including consent, body image, stereotyping and managing conflict,
  • Summer 2- Friendships and Diversity including self-esteem, safe online relationships and identifying risk, disability and discrimination.

In Year 8 this will include pupils learning about:

  • Summer 1- Health and Wellbeing including awareness in self-harmful behaviors, appropriate coping mechanisms, supportive friends, awareness into domestic abuse and FGM awareness.
  • Summer 2- Moving Forward including dealing with change, transition into high-school and adopting a growth-mindset.

PSHE education is taught throughout the school in every year group and is monitored and reviewed regularly by the staff and Governing Body. All PSHE teaching takes place in a safe learning environment and is underpinned by our school ethos and values. A professional and factual approach is taken by all trained staff members when teaching these topics and children have a chance to ask their questions in a safe environment by using the ‘Ask-it-basket’ anonymously.

If you would like to view the resources we use in school, they are all available on our website. There are also details on how and why we teach RSE and PSHE as well as series of frequently asked questions.

Once you have read the policy and details on the website, if there is something that you wish to discuss further, please contact me.

Kind regards

Miss A Kelly – Head of PSHE

RSE Parent Consultation - This can be found through Parentmail under forms.

What do schools in England have to teach from September 2020?

Relationships and Health Education (including puberty and menstruation) will be compulsory in all primary schools in England and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) will be compulsory in all secondary schools. This is in response to the growing risks children and young people may face through online activities and the need to support them to be safe and healthy, and manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.

* Update - Due to COVID -19 an amendment was made to ensure that Schools needed to begin teaching from the new guidance commencing in the Summer Term 2021.

What will be the aim of Relationships Education in primary schools?

The aim of Relationship Education is to teach the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and adults. This aim is to create opportunities to ensure children are taught about positive emotional and mental wellbeing and how friendships can impact on this. Children will also be taught, in an age appropriate way, to recognise and report different types of abuse, including emotional, physical and sexual. This will include focusing on boundaries and privacy so that children understand that they have rights over their own bodies and know how to seek advice when they suspect or know something is wrong. There will also be opportunities to teach children about boundaries with their peers, including when they are online, and ensuring they learn that where abuse takes place it is never the fault of the child who is abused.

What is the aim of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) in schools?

The aim of RSE is to give young people the information needed to develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds, not just intimate relationships. Effective RSE does not encourage early sexual experimentation but teaches young people to understand human sexuality and respect themselves and others.  Knowledge about safer sex and sexual health remains important to ensure young people can make safe, informed and healthy choices as they progress to adult life. Pupils should also be given opportunities to understand how healthy relationships can benefit their own mental wellbeing and self-respect.

There should be opportunities for pupils to learn about the laws surrounding sex, sexuality, sexual health and gender identity which should be delivered in an age appropriate and inclusive way. The laws around a variety of other issues should be considered which include: marriage, consent, pornography, abortion, radicalisation and gangs.

There should also be opportunities to learn about grooming, sexual exploitation and domestic abuse which should include addressing coercive and controlling behaviour. The physical and emotional damage that can be caused by female genital mutilation (FGM) should also be addressed. Schools should continue to work closely with parents when planning and delivering RSE.

Will my child be taught sex education at St John’s?

Although sex education is non-statutory in primary schools, we choose to teach some aspects of sex education within year 5 and 6 which go beyond the existing, compulsory national curriculum for science and we will continue to do so. Ahead of these lessons, we inform parents/carers of what we will cover and give you the opportunity to discuss this. These lessons are matched to the age and physical maturity of the pupils and you have the right to withdraw your child from these lessons.

Do I have a right to withdraw my child from Sex Education?

Yes. In primary schoolsparents and carers can withdraw their child from any of the sex education delivered, other than as part of the science curriculum

In secondary schools, parents and carers will have the right to request that their child be withdrawn from some or all of the sex education delivered as part of statutory RSE which, unless there are exceptional circumstances, should be granted up to three terms before their child turns 16. At this point, if the child themselves wishes to receive sex education, the school should make arrangements for this to happen in one of the three terms. Before granting any such request it would be good practice for the head teacher to discuss the request with parents and carers and, as appropriate, with the child to ensure that their wishes are understood and to clarify the nature and purpose of the curriculum. Schools will want to document this process to ensure a record is kept.  

For SEND pupils, the head teacher may want to take a pupil’s specific needs into account when making decisions about whether a pupil may be excused or whether adapted materials would be beneficial.

The head teacher will normally discuss with parents and carers the benefits of receiving this important education and any detrimental effects that withdrawal might have on the child. This could include any social and emotional effects of being excluded, as well as the likelihood of the child hearing their peers’ version of what was discussed in class, rather than what was directly discussed by the teacher (although the detrimental effects may be mitigated if parents and carers propose to deliver sex education to their child at home instead).

Do I have a right to withdraw my child from Relationships Education?

There is no right to withdraw from Relationships Education at primary as the contents of these subjects – such as family, friendship, safety (including online safety) – are important for all children to be taught and compulsory from Summer 2021.

Will St John’s consult with parents and carers before teaching these subjects?

St John’s consult with parents/carers when developing and reviewing our policies for Relationships Education and RSE. These policies will be published online, and will be available to any individual free of charge. We will also ensure that, when we consult parents and carers, we will provide examples of the resources we plan to use. Click Here to view some examples of these resources.

How will children and young people be supported if they have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)?

Relationships Education and RSE must be accessible for all children. Teaching will be differentiated and personalised to ensure accessibility. As part of our SEND duty ‘preparing for adulthood’ outcomes, we take extra care to ensure that this essential area is supported by our PSHE and Relationship Education. Where needed, we will always tailor content and teaching to meet the specific needs of pupils should and ensure that teaching is sensitive, age-appropriate, appropriate to development and delivered with reference to the law.

Does the new Relationships Education and RSE curriculum take faith into account?

The subjects are designed to help children from all backgrounds build positive and safe relationships, and to thrive in modern Britain. When planning and teaching these subjects, the religious background of pupils is taken into account so that topics are appropriately handled. In developing these subjects, the DfE have worked with a number of faith organisations and representative bodies to ensure they are inclusive

Will these subjects cover Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+) relationships?

Pupils should be taught about the society in which they are growing up. These subjects are designed to foster respect for others and for difference, and educate pupils about healthy relationships. RSE should meet the needs of all pupils, whatever their developing sexuality or identity – this should include age-appropriate teaching about different types of relationships in the context of the law.

Pupils should receive teaching on LGBT relationships during their school years. Secondary schools will be expected to include LGBT content and primary schools can cover age appropriate content also. This would be delivered, for example, through teaching about different types of family, including those with same sex parents.

How will children and young people be safeguarded in these lessons?

At the heart of Relationships Education and RSE, there is a focus on keeping children safe and the role that schools can play in preventative education.

At St John’s, all of our teachers are aware of the risks in teaching about sensitive subjects and give particular considerations to planning around these issues and ensuring material is focused on prevention rather than being instructional. These lessons give children an open forum to discuss potentially sensitive issues in a safe, controlled environment.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.

The button below shows results of how PSHE supports improvement for or St John’s Pupils’ following Lockdown 3 (March 2021.)


Within lessons teachers will:

  • work with pupils to establish ground rules about how they will behave towards each other in discussion (see the Ground Rules section below)
  • offer some opportunities for pupils to discuss issues in small groups as well as sharing views with the class
  • make something available in which pupils can place anonymous questions or concerns, to avoid having to voice them in front of the class (see the ‘Ask-it Basket’ section below)
  • provide access to balanced information and differing views to help pupils clarify their own opinions and views (while making clear that behaviours such as racism, discrimination and bullying are never acceptable in any form)
  • ensure all teaching and learning is inclusive, avoids heteronormative assumptions, and meets the needs of all learners—including those with special educational needs and disabilities (and is sensitive to the religious and cultural identity of pupils
  • exercise sensitivity to the needs of individuals, as some pupils may have direct experience of some of the issues raised.
  • always work within the school’s policies on safeguarding and confidentiality (ensuring that pupils understand school policies on disclosure of confidential information and following up concerns in a more appropriate setting outside lessons)


Ground rules help to minimise unintended disclosures, disclosures at inappropriate times or comments of a negative nature made towards other pupils (whether intentional or not). Such ground rules support broader class rules and the school’s behaviour for learning and positive relationships policy. To be effective, pupils and teachers develop ground rules together, re-visit them at the start of every lesson and apply them in all discussion and group activities, amending them as necessary.

Examples of ground rules include:

  • respecting what people say
  • listening to others
  • not asking personal questions or putting people ‘on the spot’
  • not making assumptions about other people
  • having the right to ‘pass’ if you do not wish to comment


An ‘Ask-it Basket’ question box or bag encourages pupils to ask questions with anonymity and without embarrassment. Introduce the Ask-it Basket either whilst creating the ground rules or at the beginning of each lesson. It should be accessible both during and after every lesson. The purpose of the Ask-it Basket should be explained to pupils:

  • Anyone can use it to post a question, at any time and as many times as they want.
  • Questions can be anonymous, or they can put their name on their question so the teacher can follow it up with them individually.
  • Only the teacher will see the questions, unless there are significant issues about a pupil’s safety or wellbeing that need to be shared with others.
  • Questions raised will be dealt with in the following lesson (or sooner if relevant to a pupil’s safety and wellbeing). Depending on the nature of the question, some responses may be answered as part of a small group session or one-to-one and will be treated anonymously so no-one knows who asked the original question.


Colour Code: 

Health and Wellbeing


The Wider World

Year 5

You can also download a copy of this at the bottom of the page.

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Respect and bullying:

Mutual respect; Sharing points of view; Stereotypes; Types of bullying and how to get help;


Mental wellbeing:

Taking care of mental health and emotional wellbeing; Managing

challenges; Seeking support for themselves and others


Career types; Charity organisations and roles, active participation in “Bags of Kindness” project

Staying safe:

Privacy and personal

boundaries; Acceptable

and unacceptable contact; Permission-seeking and giving;

Personal safety and the PANTS rule, Online safety and safe online relationships

Health and wellbeing:

Managing and identifying the physical changes of puberty; menstruation;

Benefits of a balanced lifestyle; How

physical activity affects wellbeing



Medicines, vaccinations and immunisations;

Risks and effects of alcohol and smoking; Peer-pressure; mixed-media messages; staying “Sun Safe”.



Year 6

You can also download a copy of this at the bottom of the page

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Personal Identity:

What contributes to who we are; Personal strengths; Interests; Setting goals; Managing setbacks;

New opportunities and responsibilities

Puberty and reproduction:

Menstrual wellbeing; Developing independence; How a baby is made

Health and hygiene:

Making informed choices regarding a healthy lifestyle,

including nutrition; Hygiene, bacteria and viruses; Allergies and getting help in an

emergency; Vaccination and immunisation; Dental health

Managing change:

Developing friendship

skills; Changing and ending friendships; Managing change, loss and bereavement; Sources of support

Media literacy:

How data is shared and used online; Evaluating reliability of sources; Misinformation and

targeted information; Choosing age-appropriate TV, games and online content; Influences relating to gambling


Friendships and staying safe:

Opportunities to connect online; The nature of online only friendships; Reporting

harmful content and contact; Staying safe online



Year 7

You can also download a copy of this at the bottom of the page

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Economic wellbeing:

Evaluating value for money; Debt, fraud and personal values around finance; Financial exploitation

Healthy lifestyles:

Physically and mentally healthy lifestyles; Healthy sleep habits; Dental health; Managing stress; Accessing health services

Health and well-being:

Understanding what mental health is, online wellbeing; consensual and non-consensual sharing of online photographs; awareness of smoking and drinking; awareness of vaping


Developing enterprise skills; The world of work and young

people’s employment rights; Enterprise project



Healthy and positive

relationships, including intimate relationships; Expectations and

stereotypes in relationships;

Managing strong feelings; The concept of consent

Friendships and diversity: Respectful relationships and

conflict resolution, including online; Equality, diversity and tackling prejudice; Bullying, including online



This is an example of a video used to explain the concept of consent.

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Year 8

You can also download a copy of this at the bottom of the page

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2



Life and career aspirations;

Personal strengths and skills for employment; Stereotypes;

Routes into careers; Progression routes; Online presence

Friendships and managing influences:

Managing social influence, peer

pressure and peer approval; Strategies to manage pressure

to conform within a group and in relation to substance use.


Stereotypes and expectations

of gender roles, behaviour and

intimacy; Consent in intimate situations; Introduction to

contraception and sexual health.

First aid and keeping safe:

First aid including CPR and defibrillator use; Personal safety including travel safety

Mental health and wellbeing:

Attitudes to mental health and emotional wellbeing; Digital resilience; Body image; Healthy and unhealthy coping strategies; Seeking support for themselves and others

Moving forward:

Personal strengths, celebrating successes and setting goals; Moving on to a new school; Managing change




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